...yea WAKE UP! Rich guy groupies in the Conservative Right are “vigilantes” against REAL Power to the PEOPLE!
Right wing fanatics financed by wealthy business owners to keep the PEOPLE down? HEY, that sounds like those pitiful fools/tools in the Tea Party!
Monday, October 21, 2013
cut backs,
Tea Party,
Union busters,
Vigilante man,
Woody Guthrie
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Steaming pile of Republican/Conservative bullshit
Steaming pile of dog poop gets a AAA rating from ratings agencies, hedge funds, Goldman Sachs & J.P. Morgan. Then they borrowed TRILLIONS of dollars against it. The Corporate Crime Wave had it's heyday during the Bush/Cheney Administration and Republican controlled Congress of 1994-2006. Financial terror on a scale that almost brought down world economies. We tried to warn our fellow Americans for over a decade now but many of you stupid motherfuckers are too busy watching TV to understand the consequences.
The world allowed our beloved USA to slide for a while because we are "America the great & powerful" (military). Y'know, to see if the PEOPLE would be successful DEMANDING ethics, responsibility, accountability from our government and corporate leaders... Unfortunately, the rich assholes who caused all our problems in the first place, financed the so-called Tea Party movement to stop community organizers leading the calls for VIRTUE! To stop Unions, EPA and affordable healhcare.
The HORROR of recent Tea Party Republican government shutdown and pending debt crisis debacle left sane people wondering what these redneck retards really wanted. These imbeciles used up all good will of the rest of the world could muster. The problem is it won’t just be crazy ass Republicans/Conservatives that pays the price for their sins, they're trying to drag ALL Americans down with them.
The video link above is a very good explanation of what happens NEXT if our government & corporate leaders continue their greed-stricken, power mad scam.
EVERYONE... Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, Independents, disgruntled Republicans... every Patriotic American citizen BETTER GET INVOLVED NOW, to kill the GOP/Tea Party/Values Voters movements, or WE’RE ALL FUCKED!
EVERYONE... Democrats, Liberals, Progressives, Independents, disgruntled Republicans... every Patriotic American citizen BETTER GET INVOLVED NOW, to kill the GOP/Tea Party/Values Voters movements, or WE’RE ALL FUCKED!
Learn how to fight these GOP mental midgets… Don’t allow them to get away with their dumbass arguments. Rants like
“…well, the Democrats took over the Congress in 2006 and then the economy started going bad”
WHAT? Do you degenerate monkeys really believe Democrats, in power for only a few months, ruined the US economy? Especially, after the idiots you elected ran up debt like crack ho’s with credit cards? Go fuck yourselves and DIE ya bunch of pill-popping, right wing traitors.
Some Tea Party cult member was whining about how the Republican Party needs a new plan... Yah, how’s this? TELL the fuck’n TRUTH ya holier-than-thou, know-it-all corporate Ho's!
CHANT: “Sent GOP to hell in 2012, time to get mean in 2013, 2014-16 work & organize everyday, to put these pathetic assholes away”
"LIE & CHEAT, the GOP... BAD FOR YOU, BAD FOR ME" (*repeat)
© 2013 by SPQR & FGE
CHANT: “Sent GOP to hell in 2012, time to get mean in 2013, 2014-16 work & organize everyday, to put these pathetic assholes away”
"LIE & CHEAT, the GOP... BAD FOR YOU, BAD FOR ME" (*repeat)
© 2013 by SPQR & FGE
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
QUIT dick'n around pussies (lol)
I think the US government needs to stop screwing around and get to the root of our problems. That would be to target the evil, silver spoon, trust fund babies who are financing the Tea Party religious fanatics. Now I know Liberal wussies are out there are saying we can't do THAT ...but in reality the USA has already used this strategy.
Remember Anwar al-Awlaki, The American preacher who used money & right wing propaganda for extremist indoctrination. Well, the good ole USA government in its infinite wisdom, sent a loaded drone to his security guarded bunkered mansion and BOOM... end of problem.
Honestly, a few savage degenerate Middle Eastern fanatics who corrupted Islam don’t scare me as much as those right-wing FOOLS who believe Capitalism can survive without ethic, responsibility and accountability.
I think we need a "Enemies of the USA" target list. Those in the TOP 1% who pay for Conservative wacko nutcases to spew right-wing insanity. Koch Bros, Sheldon Adelson, Art Pope, Rupert Murdoch, David Siegel, Bob Perry, Diane Hendricks, Rich Devos, Foster Friess, Louis Moore, Trevor Rees-Jones, Darden Restaurants and those rich #*^~!’s on the Council for National Policy. Let’s not forget the Neo-Con, War Profiteer, banking scandal, Values Voters, Bush Crime Family types along with other elitist Aristocrat flunkies such as the Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Larry Klayman whores.
Fuel up the drones, deploy the Navy Seals, and let’s save the USA once and for all.
Remember Anwar al-Awlaki, The American preacher who used money & right wing propaganda for extremist indoctrination. Well, the good ole USA government in its infinite wisdom, sent a loaded drone to his security guarded bunkered mansion and BOOM... end of problem.
Honestly, a few savage degenerate Middle Eastern fanatics who corrupted Islam don’t scare me as much as those right-wing FOOLS who believe Capitalism can survive without ethic, responsibility and accountability.
I think we need a "Enemies of the USA" target list. Those in the TOP 1% who pay for Conservative wacko nutcases to spew right-wing insanity. Koch Bros, Sheldon Adelson, Art Pope, Rupert Murdoch, David Siegel, Bob Perry, Diane Hendricks, Rich Devos, Foster Friess, Louis Moore, Trevor Rees-Jones, Darden Restaurants and those rich #*^~!’s on the Council for National Policy. Let’s not forget the Neo-Con, War Profiteer, banking scandal, Values Voters, Bush Crime Family types along with other elitist Aristocrat flunkies such as the Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Scott Walker, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Larry Klayman whores.
Fuel up the drones, deploy the Navy Seals, and let’s save the USA once and for all.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Kill the GOP! END anything to do with the Tea Party (especially the Koch Bros like, silver spoon, trust fund babies who finance right-wing lunatics) Find Tea Party supporters in YOUR community and PUNISH them for their poor voting choices. Right-wing lunatics that have ruined this nation and turned us all into the United Suckers of America. If you don't ACT now then your children's/grand-children's future is at risk!
Conscious Man Consultants cyber think tank.
"Rafael Cruz (aka Delfin de Guzman) a communist hit-man from Manila, fought with Fidel Castro. Senator Ted Cruz also traitor" Giovanni X
Conscious Man Consultants cyber think tank.
"Rafael Cruz (aka Delfin de Guzman) a communist hit-man from Manila, fought with Fidel Castro. Senator Ted Cruz also traitor" Giovanni X
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
POLICE need to get the fuck out of the way so American PEOPLE can DEMAND ethics, responsibility, accountability from our Government and Corporate leaders who've failed us over & over & over &...
...or else Concerned Citizens and Civilian Oversight comes after the violent gang culture that exists in many Law Enforcement agencies
civilian oversight,
Class War,
Corporate Crime Wave,
excessive use of force,
fascist police state,
Niagara Falls Police Department,
Phily PD,
police abuse of power,
Rico Act,
The Young Turks
Thursday, September 5, 2013
“A con is a CON, no matter in a back alley or from the Ivory Towers, the TRICK is to recognize IT… and NOT GET PLAYED FOR A FOOL!” F. G. Esposito
I'm not willing to spend any more BILLION$ to make these chicken-hawk bureaucrats look tough. What the fuck do you know, anyway? I see @$$holes like Senator Lindsy Graham all over TV calling for war on Iran? Worried about Iran? Where were YOU while those losers Bush/Cheney spent 4 Trillion US taxpayer dollars to turn Iraq into the greatest ally of Iran? Real nice, good strategy, ya fuck'n right-wing retards!
So Syria's Assad turned weapons on his own people, hmmmm? Wow, that sounds familiar look at how our government and it’s law enforcement agents treated Concerned Citizens of the Occupy movement. Police why you protecting the Bush/Cheney Corporate Crime Wave and money-loving, corrupt politicians?
Cause if police. military and my representatives in government are protecting Wall St con artists and corporate criminals and insider trading and war profiteering or being whores for oil companies or assassins for the Saudi Royals… then I’m going to stop paying my taxes. Come on assholes, check, bet, do something!
If you’ve legislated exemptions from any sort of accountability… OR given yourselves outs like Citizen’s United “Corporations are people”, so you prostitutes can lie about how you ARE working for the people. Then the PEOPLE have a right to DEMAND ethics, responsibility, accountability and prosecution.
Did you look at the 60’s “Power to the PEOPLE” movement and then swore to spend billions to make sure that NEVER HAPPENED AGAIN? How about the way you worked for decades to put the American PEOPLE under your thumb… then We will follow you with cell phone cameras. If you purposely off-shored our nations wealth /resources OR sent our jobs to Communist China to make us into a powerless, low wage slave population… then we will have a Class War.
If the true enemies of FREEDOM and EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL use law enforcement and military technology to CONTROL the American PEOPLE… then we will have a revolution where Aristocrat heads will be planted on stakes in front of their evil Ivory Tower palaces and big city townhouses. (lol)
So Syria's Assad turned weapons on his own people, hmmmm? Wow, that sounds familiar look at how our government and it’s law enforcement agents treated Concerned Citizens of the Occupy movement. Police why you protecting the Bush/Cheney Corporate Crime Wave and money-loving, corrupt politicians?
Cause if police. military and my representatives in government are protecting Wall St con artists and corporate criminals and insider trading and war profiteering or being whores for oil companies or assassins for the Saudi Royals… then I’m going to stop paying my taxes. Come on assholes, check, bet, do something!
If you’ve legislated exemptions from any sort of accountability… OR given yourselves outs like Citizen’s United “Corporations are people”, so you prostitutes can lie about how you ARE working for the people. Then the PEOPLE have a right to DEMAND ethics, responsibility, accountability and prosecution.
Did you look at the 60’s “Power to the PEOPLE” movement and then swore to spend billions to make sure that NEVER HAPPENED AGAIN? How about the way you worked for decades to put the American PEOPLE under your thumb… then We will follow you with cell phone cameras. If you purposely off-shored our nations wealth /resources OR sent our jobs to Communist China to make us into a powerless, low wage slave population… then we will have a Class War.
If the true enemies of FREEDOM and EQUAL JUSTICE FOR ALL use law enforcement and military technology to CONTROL the American PEOPLE… then we will have a revolution where Aristocrat heads will be planted on stakes in front of their evil Ivory Tower palaces and big city townhouses. (lol)
(C) 2013
Donald Rumsfeld,
John Kerry,
poison gas,
President Obama,
Senator Lindsey Graham,
Thursday, August 22, 2013
sick, twisted world
I LOVE THE USA... it's the government and corporate news media I can't stand
NOTE: (Hey Obama, is Syria a misdirect so the news media doesn’t pay attention to new Free Trade Agreement? Gonna f*** us over like the Clintons?)
Syria because Libya & Iraq & Afghanistan & Vietnam worked out so well...
After enough of my regular morning news viewing (8-22-13) to make me want to turn the channel to Al Jazeera America:""If those cowards in news media had been doing their job USA wouldn’t be considering policing Syria, had a WAR in Iraq or needed a Manning or Snowdon. I think the corporate news media is part of the problem. According to most news ancHOrs, every time some Middle Eastern nation acts up the US must waste it’s tax dollars on military policing? I'd rather we see surgical strikes on greedy arms dealers selling these pathetic bastards the chemical and explosive weapons.
I heard President Obama got communications from Cheney, Rumsfeld, Kristol, McCain, among other war mongers (WHO ARE WRONG EVERY TIME) urging him to attack Syria. That’s enough of a reason for me NOT to strike.
The “Fakers” & "Neo-Con Chicken-hawks" don’t get it… We’d rather fight the handful of serious foreign terrorists on the streets of USA than keep funding this overblown world policing Military/CIA Industrial Complex. I want to put a stake in the heart of that life-blood sucking entity before it destroys us all. It’s madness! After trillions of tax dollars spent to fight Communism I can’t believe anyone is asking questions like “How much money does the USA have to borrow from Communist China to police Syria?” MADNESS!
Our government must be insane, they make the same mistakes over & over expecting a different result. I’m sure the War profiteers, ahhh I mean investors in cruise missiles are anxiously awaiting Obama’s Syria decision.
Y’know what? I don’t care anymore, my whole life I’ve been witness to these hate filled, degenerate savages being poor actors on the world scene. Look at the Palestinians, Israel has offered up it’s security in an olive branch time after time but it ALWAYS ends with bombs.
I don't want to sound racist but it seems Arab Muslims just don’t seem to be able to build a decent organized civilized nation without vicious Dictators, Sharia laws and control over women. Same with Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, etc… Fundamentalist imbeciles the world over naturally gravitate to murder and destruction rather than peace and posterity...
Right-wing Fundamentalist Christians in the USA are excitingly dressing for a "Left Behind" type Armageddon. They’ve spent so much time and wealth on hurrying it along. (lol)
Here in the USA, I'm wondering what US and British Intelligence (sic) are so worried about... that we’ll find out they’ve been working for the war profiteers & oil co’s? (lol) Yes I said it, our Military and Intelligence brain trust has spent the last 60+ years too focused on keeping the WAR profiteers and Big Oil in the extravagant lifestyles they’ve grown accustomed to. From the CIA coup in Iran, to the WAR in Iraq all I see is a history of failure and flawed strategic planning.
Just look at how the Neo-cons thought it was a good idea to sponsor, arm and finance insurgents in the WAR against the Russians in Afghanistan. Hell, the Soviets knew from experience that the peoples of Eastern Europe and the Stans live off centuries old feuds and racial hatreds. They knew SOME PEOPLE MUST BE CONTROLLED BECAUSE THEY JUST CAN’T HANDLE FREEDOM in a civilized manner.
The Pentagon, CIA, Rumsfeld and Cheney, were all right there enabling Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, teaching them to build roadside improvised explosive devices or how to be vicious, torturing dictators. HOW’D THAT WORK OUT FOR YA BASTARDS? It’s like these grinning idiots DIDN’T LEARN A THING from Vietnam. I'm not willing to spend any more BILLION$ to make these chicken-hawk bureaucrats look tough.
If was any real justice or fair play in this world... most of these Neo-Con players would be in a crowded holding cell wearing chains instead of living the high life behind gated security and bomb shelters. Don't talk to me about fighting crime until the LAW punishes the untouchable W.A.S.P.'s. I want Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Powell, Rice, Rove, Wolfowitz, Addington, Eric Prince, etc... dropped off in the middle of Iraq with guns and not enough armor. Let the motherfuckers fight they way out of the hell like our soldiers did.
I say with force ourselves off Middle Eastern oil, get on a smart grid, set up a blockade around the Middle East and the Stans so the nail bombers can't get student visas... (lol) and let the crazy mothafuckers kill themselves until the evolve until they learn to build a working economic system. I'm not so sure the Obama/Biden Administration know who the bad guys are in Syria... OK, then they’ll kill each other and it won’t cost us a cent.
You want insane war planning? How's this, I got a better plan that kills two problems with one act. We could send Mayor Bloomberg and those fascist pigs on NYPD to “Stop & Fisk” in Syria? We need to Toughen up police in the USA. The LAW pussies have gotten too used to easy targets like scared 13 year Black children.
Speaking of cowards, what's up with the Democrats? I volunteered and voted for Obama/Biden to CHANGE these insane war policies. . Why can’t we be Switzerland to mind and tend to our own damn business first before we cowboy our soldiers across the planet. If our millionaire leaders want to fight another war send your own cursed children ya bunch of spoiled elitists.
I see Obama/Biden playing footsie with the Bush/Cheney’s while torturing poor Bradley Manning and I say to myself “Something in the USA just isn’t right”. Especially now that those puppets in the news media are making Bradley Manning out to be some flaming cross, dressing traitor.
I hope the Class War comes to fruition, so the PEOPLE can lock up news ancHOrs for 3 years in solitary being tortured by Marine sadist guards. See how they come out of the other end of torture. Hell, these news fuckers tortured me for the last 30+ years with their news ignoring how bad the LOW GRADE THOUGHT PROCESSES of Republicans really were.
Seems to me the terrorist plan has worked so far. Even Osama bin Laden admitted to the strategy. You see our enemies know us better than we know ourselves. They knew a chicken-hawk cowboy like George W. Bush would ruin the US economy with his wars and war profiteers. Our enemy keeps acting up and we keep paying for the high priced chicken hawk reactions. Also, Americans can’t admit they’ve been played for fools. You want to fight another war I say only draft kids from families making over a million dollar a year.
Land of the "FREE home of the BRAVE", my skinny Italian-American ass. With the largest jail/prison population on the planet and a 4th Estate filled with silver spoon cowards. IKE was right about the “Military Industrial Complex” but we ignored him and created a Security/Prison/contract vendor Industrial Complex to make things worse. Fuck you too assholes. Karma’s going to be a real bitch for you sick, twisted cocksuckers..."
Giovanni X and SPQR
(C) 2013
JEEZ, I’m so angry, you want to talk about taxation without representation. These sick twisted politicians talk about our obligation to every other nation on the planet… What about obligation to the American PEOPLE? Remember “of, by, for the PEOPLE”. Our so-called REPRESENTATIVES in US government have failed miserably at THAT for the last 30 years. 50 MILLION Americans struggling below the poverty level is all the proof one needs to make THAT case. You want to talk about Osama’s “Red Line”? …I passed my “Red Line” years ago bout halfway through the Bush/Cheney disaster.
What the bleep did the American PEOPLE get for our tax dollars? The results of Bush/Cheney & Congress (1984-2013) speak for themselves. Waste, fraud, abuse of power, scandal, corruption, obstruction, lies off-shoring, media consolidation, sexual deviancy, job outsourcing, welfare for the rich, soldiers getting electrocuted in showers due to shoddy contractor work, arms dealing, environmental deregulation, war profiteering, Constitutional violations and a corporate crime wave of epic proportions. The greatest looting of a nation’s wealth & resources in the history of mankind…
Yet these shameless hypocrites have the audacity to act they’re the responsible adults at the table, BULLcrap! For year now I watched while our self-serving, game playing Congress did nothing for the American PEOPLE but it looks like they’re all going to get together to hurry through another military action.
Just to spit in our faces these evil bleepers legislated legal exemptions for themselves when the PEOPLE started demanding accountability. In the private sector Congress members would have been fired and prosecuted but they have the spin doctors on fake NEWS shows to keep them propped up with more BS.
Even worse we have a majority Conservative wacko Supreme Court legislating from the bench who made it easy for multi-national corporate economic terrorists to have a fire sale with all our nations most valuable wealth and resources.
I remember the Soviets always said America would be “destroyed from within”. Who knew it would be our own bureaucrats that would accomplish it. It go me thinking, maybe THAT’S the plan. The Russians want us to go down like they did, overspending on ill-conceived foreign war policies. Truth be told the USA is now spending trillions to do what the Soviets were doing for free. FIGHTING RELIGIOUS FANATICS!
(C) 2013 by SPQR
Open your eyes and look at the Bush/Cheney catastrophe… The rich guy Republicans spit in American faces, pulled down Americans pants, f***ed Americans in the @$$ for 8 years and then stole the PEOPLE’S wallet before they left in 2008. Any American citizen with half a brain is VERY angry, demanding accountability but Conservatives/Libertarians don’t see it that way. They liked the @$$ violations so much they want MORE! Like Larry Craig in an airport men’s room. (lol)
I think we need to focus on those in the TOP 1% Koch Bros, Art Pope, Sheldon Adelson, David Siegel, Bob Perry, Diane Hendricks, Rich Devos, Foster Friess, Louis Moore, Trevor Rees-Jones, Darden Restaurants and those rich #*^~!’s on the Council for National Policy. Let’s not forget the Neo-Con, War Profiteer, banking scandal, Bush Crime Family types along with their flunkies such as the Mitt Romney, Scott Walker, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity types.
An American Aristocracy, who made their fortunes on the backs of American workers… The water, air and wealth of resources used to manufacture the goods. The brain power and innovation, with American ingenuity, technology, ideas… using infrastructure paid for by the American taxpayer… And how did they repay us? The silver spoon, trust fund baby m’f***er’s moved all our jobs to Asia, fouled our environment with stuff that would make a billy-goat puke and turned our politicians into a stable of high priced prostitutes. Lying, cheating, greedy, power mad, sexually deviant GOP is setting a very bad example for America’s youth
Experience is a great thing if you know how to use it and learn. My experiences tell me the USA is almost f***ed. Now some may call me crazy but I think Americans are nuts if they’re NOT angry. The Billionaire trust fund babies and their Ho’s in the Republican “Corporate Socialist” Party have been playing the American PEOPLE for fools. Especially on the right side of the political spectrum, turned the USA into the United Suckers of America.
If the fact there are over 50 MILLION FELLOW Americans struggling below the poverty level doesn’t bother you then you’re probably one of those vicious, elitist, trust fund babies that have been ruining the USA for that last 30 years.
It’s like all the greed-stricken, power mad con artists gravitated to the GOP. They’re SO bad, they’ve turned on themselves stealing millions from each other… just look at what Karl Rove, Dick Army, Christopher Ward and Newt Gingrich did to their fellow Republicans during the last few elections. SCANDALOUS!
The only thing that ever “trickled down” from the silver spoon, trust fund babies was their corrupt nature and vicious philosophies…
It used to be called bribery, collusion and all those crimes covered by the RICO Act. How come they can get away with a white bred corporate crime wave of epic proportions but our jails are filled by pot smokers? WHY IS THAT? These Wall Street guys ruined our economy with their reckless policies and deregulation, so why aren’t the American PEOPLE standing up to them? WHY AREN’T THE FED’S PROSECUTING?
I think the average American could learn a lot from the Russian treatment of their evil rich @$$#oles, (Berezovsky, Borodin, Luzhkov, Khodorkovsky, etc…) We’ve got a huge problem here in the USA. The Billionaire Aristocrats and their Republican Party flunkies have a LOT TO ANSWER FOR! These vain, self-serving, power-mad, greed stricken silver spoon con artists have turned the USA into the United Suckers of America.
Budget problems? Cut the Pentagon, Homeland Security and DEA. Seize $ (ill gotten profits) back from war profiteers & Bush/Cheney Corporate Crime Wave. (This would work if our Congress and Justice Department weren’t staffed with incompetent cowards)
There’s only a few thousands of them but there’s MILLIONS of us. There’s 50 MILLION of us living below the poverty level. Probably another million+ non-violent offenders ruined by the jail/prison industrial/vendor complex & Convict Lease System. That’s a fight I’ll take… what about YOU? I am somebody who hates cowards & apathy."
© 2013 by SPQR
"Lets just admit we’re all tax financed, war pirates stealing resources from foreign peasants because the USA is some kind of shinning beacon for something or other… Share all that WAR profiteering wealth with the American PEOPLE! Y’know, “OF, BY and FOR the PEOPLE”? Hell we could invade China and India right now to take our jobs back and shoot traitorous expatriates. Get in line because We're all "Great Americans"
Screw Guinea, Congo, Nigeria, Sudan, Niger, Somalia, Mali, etc… or any Black on Black civil wars, let them work it themselves out while millions DIE, right? I’m so damn disappointed with that skinny-ass Kenyan in the White House who I volunteered and voted for. If I knew we were getting another knee-jerk asshole for President, I want the 2008 Election back so we can elect Johnny McCain, a real WAR President who won’t mess around with pussy “limited actions”. America loves the Middle Eastern grossly uneducated religious fanatics because they have OIL and USA has greedy PolicticHO’s with “ambitions”. (or just plain crazy)
With all the tax dollars we’ve wasted on these Bush Crime Family oil WARS, we could have built an awesome wind and solar smart grid. Sun and wind in our barren deserts alone could actually power the USA and a national car fleet if done right. Y’know, if all our great minds weren’t working for the weapons industry."
Frank from ABQ
(C) 2013
JEEZ, I’m so angry, you want to talk about taxation without representation. These sick twisted politicians talk about our obligation to every other nation on the planet… What about obligation to the American PEOPLE? Remember “of, by, for the PEOPLE”. Our so-called REPRESENTATIVES in US government have failed miserably at THAT for the last 30 years. 50 MILLION Americans struggling below the poverty level is all the proof one needs to make THAT case. You want to talk about Osama’s “Red Line”? …I passed my “Red Line” years ago bout halfway through the Bush/Cheney disaster.
What the bleep did the American PEOPLE get for our tax dollars? The results of Bush/Cheney & Congress (1984-2013) speak for themselves. Waste, fraud, abuse of power, scandal, corruption, obstruction, lies off-shoring, media consolidation, sexual deviancy, job outsourcing, welfare for the rich, soldiers getting electrocuted in showers due to shoddy contractor work, arms dealing, environmental deregulation, war profiteering, Constitutional violations and a corporate crime wave of epic proportions. The greatest looting of a nation’s wealth & resources in the history of mankind…
Yet these shameless hypocrites have the audacity to act they’re the responsible adults at the table, BULLcrap! For year now I watched while our self-serving, game playing Congress did nothing for the American PEOPLE but it looks like they’re all going to get together to hurry through another military action.
Just to spit in our faces these evil bleepers legislated legal exemptions for themselves when the PEOPLE started demanding accountability. In the private sector Congress members would have been fired and prosecuted but they have the spin doctors on fake NEWS shows to keep them propped up with more BS.
Even worse we have a majority Conservative wacko Supreme Court legislating from the bench who made it easy for multi-national corporate economic terrorists to have a fire sale with all our nations most valuable wealth and resources.
I remember the Soviets always said America would be “destroyed from within”. Who knew it would be our own bureaucrats that would accomplish it. It go me thinking, maybe THAT’S the plan. The Russians want us to go down like they did, overspending on ill-conceived foreign war policies. Truth be told the USA is now spending trillions to do what the Soviets were doing for free. FIGHTING RELIGIOUS FANATICS!
(C) 2013 by SPQR
"Former Governor asshole Mitch Daniels speaking for all Republicans whining about dividing a nation or the politics of envy and Class Warfare because they were never VICTIMS of the Top 1%, ONLY BENEFICIARIES! Open your eyes and look at the Bush/Cheney catastrophe… The rich guy Republicans spit in American faces, pulled down Americans pants, f***ed Americans in the @$$ for 8 years and then stole the PEOPLE’S wallet before they left in 2008. Any American citizen with half a brain is VERY angry, demanding accountability but Conservatives/Libertarians don’t see it that way. They liked the @$$ violations so much they want MORE! Like Larry Craig in an airport men’s room. (lol)
I think we need to focus on those in the TOP 1% Koch Bros, Art Pope, Sheldon Adelson, David Siegel, Bob Perry, Diane Hendricks, Rich Devos, Foster Friess, Louis Moore, Trevor Rees-Jones, Darden Restaurants and those rich #*^~!’s on the Council for National Policy. Let’s not forget the Neo-Con, War Profiteer, banking scandal, Bush Crime Family types along with their flunkies such as the Mitt Romney, Scott Walker, Bill O’Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity types.
An American Aristocracy, who made their fortunes on the backs of American workers… The water, air and wealth of resources used to manufacture the goods. The brain power and innovation, with American ingenuity, technology, ideas… using infrastructure paid for by the American taxpayer… And how did they repay us? The silver spoon, trust fund baby m’f***er’s moved all our jobs to Asia, fouled our environment with stuff that would make a billy-goat puke and turned our politicians into a stable of high priced prostitutes. Lying, cheating, greedy, power mad, sexually deviant GOP is setting a very bad example for America’s youth
Experience is a great thing if you know how to use it and learn. My experiences tell me the USA is almost f***ed. Now some may call me crazy but I think Americans are nuts if they’re NOT angry. The Billionaire trust fund babies and their Ho’s in the Republican “Corporate Socialist” Party have been playing the American PEOPLE for fools. Especially on the right side of the political spectrum, turned the USA into the United Suckers of America.
If the fact there are over 50 MILLION FELLOW Americans struggling below the poverty level doesn’t bother you then you’re probably one of those vicious, elitist, trust fund babies that have been ruining the USA for that last 30 years.
It’s like all the greed-stricken, power mad con artists gravitated to the GOP. They’re SO bad, they’ve turned on themselves stealing millions from each other… just look at what Karl Rove, Dick Army, Christopher Ward and Newt Gingrich did to their fellow Republicans during the last few elections. SCANDALOUS!
The only thing that ever “trickled down” from the silver spoon, trust fund babies was their corrupt nature and vicious philosophies…
It used to be called bribery, collusion and all those crimes covered by the RICO Act. How come they can get away with a white bred corporate crime wave of epic proportions but our jails are filled by pot smokers? WHY IS THAT? These Wall Street guys ruined our economy with their reckless policies and deregulation, so why aren’t the American PEOPLE standing up to them? WHY AREN’T THE FED’S PROSECUTING?
I think the average American could learn a lot from the Russian treatment of their evil rich @$$#oles, (Berezovsky, Borodin, Luzhkov, Khodorkovsky, etc…) We’ve got a huge problem here in the USA. The Billionaire Aristocrats and their Republican Party flunkies have a LOT TO ANSWER FOR! These vain, self-serving, power-mad, greed stricken silver spoon con artists have turned the USA into the United Suckers of America.
Budget problems? Cut the Pentagon, Homeland Security and DEA. Seize $ (ill gotten profits) back from war profiteers & Bush/Cheney Corporate Crime Wave. (This would work if our Congress and Justice Department weren’t staffed with incompetent cowards)
There’s only a few thousands of them but there’s MILLIONS of us. There’s 50 MILLION of us living below the poverty level. Probably another million+ non-violent offenders ruined by the jail/prison industrial/vendor complex & Convict Lease System. That’s a fight I’ll take… what about YOU? I am somebody who hates cowards & apathy."
© 2013 by SPQR
"Lets just admit we’re all tax financed, war pirates stealing resources from foreign peasants because the USA is some kind of shinning beacon for something or other… Share all that WAR profiteering wealth with the American PEOPLE! Y’know, “OF, BY and FOR the PEOPLE”? Hell we could invade China and India right now to take our jobs back and shoot traitorous expatriates. Get in line because We're all "Great Americans"
Screw Guinea, Congo, Nigeria, Sudan, Niger, Somalia, Mali, etc… or any Black on Black civil wars, let them work it themselves out while millions DIE, right? I’m so damn disappointed with that skinny-ass Kenyan in the White House who I volunteered and voted for. If I knew we were getting another knee-jerk asshole for President, I want the 2008 Election back so we can elect Johnny McCain, a real WAR President who won’t mess around with pussy “limited actions”. America loves the Middle Eastern grossly uneducated religious fanatics because they have OIL and USA has greedy PolicticHO’s with “ambitions”. (or just plain crazy)
With all the tax dollars we’ve wasted on these Bush Crime Family oil WARS, we could have built an awesome wind and solar smart grid. Sun and wind in our barren deserts alone could actually power the USA and a national car fleet if done right. Y’know, if all our great minds weren’t working for the weapons industry."
Frank from ABQ
Al Jazeera America,
Arab spring,
big oil,
Class War,
Cokie Roberts,
Middle East,
Mitch Daniels,
Morning Joe,
war profiteering,
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
I want to thank Randi Rhodes for reminding me of Olbermann's amazingly correct predictions about the Supreme Courts "Citizens United" decision. Like she said, "you can listen to the clowns at FOX who get everything WRONG... or go back and see just who got it right."
"Thanks for NOTHING ya idiot Conservative wacko degenerate freaks. We're coming for you..."
Charlie Stunats & the Warriors
"Thanks for NOTHING ya idiot Conservative wacko degenerate freaks. We're coming for you..."
Charlie Stunats & the Warriors
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Friday, July 19, 2013
Woman power
“Honestly, I love women. Like everyone been saying, "Women on the left have a lot more balls than liberal men". And I know one thing for sure, Black women at every income level are smarter than White Anglo Saxon Protestant men. Just look at these pitiful fools running around making their mad sound-bites about guns, birth certificates and abortion while the nation is still recovering from the Bush/Cheney disaster. Making false accusations against Obama/Biden or blaming them for terrible results of flawed policies of the Republican controlled Congress 1994-2006.
(pictures of Republicans from Newt Gingrich to Rep. Darrell Issa are now next to word “monkey” in Encyclopedias)
So why do the White men have all the wealth? They’re crooked as HELL that’s why! The game is rigged in both public (government) and private sectors. Men can lynch … ahhh, I mean shoot niggas and walk away from any responsibility but just let a Black woman fight back against her abusive man… goodbye Sister, 20 years in prison for your fine Black ass… REALLY?
Do you wealthy W.A.S.P.’s really think you can keep up your domination over the common American, what you call the “little people” or “peasants”. I’m asking for women to make a huge sacrifice for the good of our beloved nation and your weak ass pussy of a man. Progressive Democrats inside the Conscious Man Consultants cyber think tank are calling for women to let the Right-wing Christian fanatics complete their anti-abortion agenda."
So why do the White men have all the wealth? They’re crooked as HELL that’s why! The game is rigged in both public (government) and private sectors. Men can lynch … ahhh, I mean shoot niggas and walk away from any responsibility but just let a Black woman fight back against her abusive man… goodbye Sister, 20 years in prison for your fine Black ass… REALLY?
Do you wealthy W.A.S.P.’s really think you can keep up your domination over the common American, what you call the “little people” or “peasants”. I’m asking for women to make a huge sacrifice for the good of our beloved nation and your weak ass pussy of a man. Progressive Democrats inside the Conscious Man Consultants cyber think tank are calling for women to let the Right-wing Christian fanatics complete their anti-abortion agenda."
“bbbbooooooooooooo!”, Women in the room roared.
"I know, I KNOW! Here’s the thing, revenge is sweet. FGE taught us that in So. Cal. by ruining the careers of both the Judge and DA that put him in jail for going to a protest march. Women have networks of support staff in every Corporation and overblown bureaucracy in the good ole USA… Women have cell phone/digital cameras… Women have connections and associations that White men can’t even comprehend. Put the word out… expose any wealthy Conservative who tries to use their wealth to get a medically safe abortion. Do an investigative report on how the Christian Right is preparing for the explosion of birth among the lower classes who can’t afford a Bush type secret abortive procedure."
(Barbara should have aborted W. lol)
© 2013 by Rev. Bernell Butler & FGE
Monday, July 15, 2013
Trayvon found guilty?
"Why do we (by we I mean Progressive Democrats, Liberals, Independents, Churches, news junkies, etc) waste time on trying to figure our Conservative Republican adversaries. They’ve proven themselves over & over to be silly, stupid, apathetic, self-absorbed, victimized, celebrity worshiping COWARDS! And after the BP oil spill, Texas fertilizer plant bomb, Trayvon Martin found guilty and Republican House since 2010... I’m convinced these people are the worst humanity has to offer" .
Charlie Stunats, using a few excerpts from SPQR
©2013 SPQR
Professor Dale Cassidy
But Florida is it’s own special Hell with their electing George W. Bush and their “shoot the nigger” … ahhhh I mean “stand your ground” laws. Please Global Warming cover this hell with sea water. I hope Lloyd the Baptist is fucking right about the wrath of GOD on Republicans. Mark my words, the NRA, along with one of these crazy ass Red States, will run Zimmerman for elective office.
What the fuck is it going to take for the Black Community, with it’s White Liberal support system, TO STAND UP AND FIGHT BACK? I’m starting to despise you pussies almost as much as those sick, twisted Republican Ho’s. Not only have the Neo-Cons and Confederate Defenders slapped you in the face, stolen you homes, fouled you environment, suppressed your vote… but now they’re shooting your children AND GETTING AWAY WITH IT! And all you do is make protest signs and limp-wrested excuses about how only brutes use their fists or violence! The WASP’s have been committing violent acts on you people for over 200 years, suckers!
Communication from Charlie Stunats to the American PEOPLE
"Its hard being a tough guy these days… disappointment, disrespect & frustration comes daily from all sides. It doesn’t matter what the issue…I’m tired of all you hearts & flowers Liberals, with your non-violence training sessions, who STILL think the Left can work with Conservatives/Republicans. These mofo’s are INSANE! The Right Wing wants to bring down the whole nation rather than admit they were played for FOOLS by a very few billionaire, trust fund baby hoarders. But Florida is it’s own special Hell with their electing George W. Bush and their “shoot the nigger” … ahhhh I mean “stand your ground” laws. Please Global Warming cover this hell with sea water. I hope Lloyd the Baptist is fucking right about the wrath of GOD on Republicans. Mark my words, the NRA, along with one of these crazy ass Red States, will run Zimmerman for elective office.
What the fuck is it going to take for the Black Community, with it’s White Liberal support system, TO STAND UP AND FIGHT BACK? I’m starting to despise you pussies almost as much as those sick, twisted Republican Ho’s. Not only have the Neo-Cons and Confederate Defenders slapped you in the face, stolen you homes, fouled you environment, suppressed your vote… but now they’re shooting your children AND GETTING AWAY WITH IT! And all you do is make protest signs and limp-wrested excuses about how only brutes use their fists or violence! The WASP’s have been committing violent acts on you people for over 200 years, suckers!
Equal Rights and Justice my skinny Italian-American ASS! I’m itching for a fight to destroy the GOP in next few elections. The problem is we’ve only raised 2000 Warriors with enough balls to do what needs to be done to take down our adversaries. Believe or not these Republicans since Reagan/Bush have done more harm to the USA than any Middle Eastern terror cell. Republicans allowed the Economic terrorists in through the back door.
Republicans have no shame, credibility or integrity. The Conservative Base does NOT possess the courage or capacity to ADMIT you've been useful tools, making a HUGE mistake supporting the Bush Administration and a Republican Party FILLED with vain, self serving, power mad, greed stricken , silver spoon CON MEN.
Conservatives can’t debate… And when they try to make an argument its some sorry propaganda you heard from one of those TRAITORS to the Constitution Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Hannity, Karl Rove, Ralph Reed, or some other inbred highly paid loudmouth you Conservative degenerates FOLLOW like a good flock of SHEEP!
The leaders you VOTED FOR sold out the American middle/working class to COMMUNIST CHINA and the Saudi Royals. You supported those “men’s room” sexual deviate weasels Craig, Cunningham, Haggard, Foley, Vitter, etc... Republicans future consists of explaining to your children and grand children how you were stupid enough to let the CON MEN TO SELL OUT THEIR FUTURE"
Republicans have no shame, credibility or integrity. The Conservative Base does NOT possess the courage or capacity to ADMIT you've been useful tools, making a HUGE mistake supporting the Bush Administration and a Republican Party FILLED with vain, self serving, power mad, greed stricken , silver spoon CON MEN.
Conservatives can’t debate… And when they try to make an argument its some sorry propaganda you heard from one of those TRAITORS to the Constitution Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Hannity, Karl Rove, Ralph Reed, or some other inbred highly paid loudmouth you Conservative degenerates FOLLOW like a good flock of SHEEP!
The leaders you VOTED FOR sold out the American middle/working class to COMMUNIST CHINA and the Saudi Royals. You supported those “men’s room” sexual deviate weasels Craig, Cunningham, Haggard, Foley, Vitter, etc... Republicans future consists of explaining to your children and grand children how you were stupid enough to let the CON MEN TO SELL OUT THEIR FUTURE"
Charlie Stunats, using a few excerpts from SPQR
©2013 SPQR
Malcolm X Grassroots Movement (MXGM)
mxgm.org/Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Happy Class War Day!
In local communities, make a wealthy, powerful, corrupt, elitist @$$hole your bitch! Only if Concerned Citizens want to save the USA, right? Silver spoon, trust fund babies are the one's who crossed the line and ruined the American Dream. Just remember one thing... the REAL criminals in America have police protection.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Classic - every angry Progressive's fantasy for mañana, Class War Day!
Yea yea, blah blah, yidder yadder, most gangsta rappers were all talk (lol)
I'm not anti-police, I'm anti-abuse of power ma'fuckas
I'm not anti-police, I'm anti-abuse of power ma'fuckas
Can I talk
about Gangsta Rap now. The White devil stole the message/sound/stylee
from Reggae and turned into a gangsta rap weapon that has ruined
generations of youth. The silver spoon, trust fund babies used the worst
gangstas to keep the Black community down. According to CIA operatives
(such as Tosh Plumlee) it wasn’t Black people bringing crack cocaine to
their own communities. (watch the new smokable heroin entering Black
& Latino hoods)
I don’t know if anyone noticed but some of the worst crack dealers from CA and NY are now superstar celebrities who play cops in TV and movies… Why is that? Reward for helping the White Devil with his evil plans, right? Snoop Dog hanging out with the Bush Crime Family in the Sky Box?
I’m not being a racist here, the whole gangsta culture revolved around disabling the Black man. The bling bling, gin and juice, blunt smoking, video game lifestyle made several generations of youth stupid and lazy.
You morons actually got tricked into believing baggy oversized pants hanging below you ass was cool but in reality the White Devil caused you to lose the use of one of your hands because you had to hold up those stylish pants when walking. Nothing sadder than a one armed Black man… (lol, sorry) Especially in prison. That shit will get your ass popped like we’re going to do to the GOP!
Gansta rappers not only got your people hooked on crack but then they turned around and helped the MAN keep the private jail/prison industry well stocked with the dark-skinned PRODUCT. Rap turned 2 generation of American youth into ignorant punks and a commodity for the MAN to make billions. SUCKERS!
I don’t know if anyone noticed but some of the worst crack dealers from CA and NY are now superstar celebrities who play cops in TV and movies… Why is that? Reward for helping the White Devil with his evil plans, right? Snoop Dog hanging out with the Bush Crime Family in the Sky Box?
I’m not being a racist here, the whole gangsta culture revolved around disabling the Black man. The bling bling, gin and juice, blunt smoking, video game lifestyle made several generations of youth stupid and lazy.
You morons actually got tricked into believing baggy oversized pants hanging below you ass was cool but in reality the White Devil caused you to lose the use of one of your hands because you had to hold up those stylish pants when walking. Nothing sadder than a one armed Black man… (lol, sorry) Especially in prison. That shit will get your ass popped like we’re going to do to the GOP!
Gansta rappers not only got your people hooked on crack but then they turned around and helped the MAN keep the private jail/prison industry well stocked with the dark-skinned PRODUCT. Rap turned 2 generation of American youth into ignorant punks and a commodity for the MAN to make billions. SUCKERS!
© 2004 by SPQR
Monday, June 24, 2013
Class War Day - July 9 ...or someday
Jimi Hendrix - "if 6 was 9"
excerpt from "The Conscious Activists" *©2013 by FGE
Charlie Stunats has spent years trying to wake Americans up. They’re doing it in Turkey, they’re doing it in Brazil, (among other nations) THE PEOPLE refusing to keep the blinders on any longer. A very few vicious, Billionaire Hoarders have corrupted the world’s economies, creating great inequality and suffering. They need to be held accountable, but “Power to the People” is the only way to achieve that lofty goal.
Charlie and his rather large group of covert op “warriors” are poised to start the Class War... at a war zone near YOU! Of course the United Suckers of America (US majority) are too scared, lazy or stupid to get involved. (even though the silver spoon trust fund babies treated them like $10 meth Ho’s) But as we’ve found across the nation, there are 100,000’s of VERY angry Progressives and Independents just itching for a fight.
Charlie’s “motivational speech”:
“The Class War starts July 9. What are YOU going to do? Cause if it’s only calling talk radio, tweeting & laughing with comedians, Americans are fucked! Now's the G time in history for a good Class War! It's right, if only the American PEOPLE weren’t such a bunch of silly, celebrity worshiping, whiny ass pussies…”
we're watching the apathetic
Charlie and his rather large group of covert op “warriors” are poised to start the Class War... at a war zone near YOU! Of course the United Suckers of America (US majority) are too scared, lazy or stupid to get involved. (even though the silver spoon trust fund babies treated them like $10 meth Ho’s) But as we’ve found across the nation, there are 100,000’s of VERY angry Progressives and Independents just itching for a fight.
Charlie’s “motivational speech”:
“The Class War starts July 9. What are YOU going to do? Cause if it’s only calling talk radio, tweeting & laughing with comedians, Americans are fucked! Now's the G time in history for a good Class War! It's right, if only the American PEOPLE weren’t such a bunch of silly, celebrity worshiping, whiny ass pussies…”
we're watching the apathetic
Friday, June 7, 2013
Sunday, April 28, 2013
(ya apathetic, fuck'n pitiful pussies) sorry! lol
"How to get revenge on a corrupt Ruling Class... *but were afraid to ask"
Conscious Man Consultants
Business interests continue winning streak before U.S. Supreme Court
"How to get revenge on a corrupt Ruling Class... *but were afraid to ask"
Conscious Man Consultants
Business interests continue winning streak before U.S. Supreme Court
Chamber Of Commerce Is Big Winner With Increasingly Conservative Supreme Court
aaaagggghhhh! www.citizen.org/trade/
“… fascism might more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and Corporate power…” Benito Mussolini
aEek a Mouse
Chamber of Commerce,
Class War,
Koch Industries,
lazy news media,
ruling class,
special interests,
Supreme Court,
White House Correspondents Dinner
Monday, April 22, 2013
right-wing fascists

“Boston Bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev was a fan of Alex Jones -“Infowars”, Drudge, Glenn Beck and al Qaeda’s “Inspire” magazine. Conservative fanatics are a plague no matter where they are from” Professor Dale Cassidy
The famous Frank from Albuquerque on Alan Colmes show:
“I’m an Angry American but I’m not going to blow up anyone. These morons have to learn they must work with-in the system to change things. Like how Progressives are working to get rid of Senator Lindsey Graham and other Republicans who I consider a joke. Someone please remind me when these Republican chicken-hawks have ever been right about WAR or defending Americans from terrorism?
Like when Jeb Bush said, “George W. kept Americans safe…”
Like when Jeb Bush said, “George W. kept Americans safe…”
YEA? …except for 9/11, anthrax attacks, DC sniper, journalists/contractors getting decapitated, a Corporate Crime Wave, job outsourcing, economic collapse, financial terrorism, gutting regulatory agencies, environmental degradation, etc…
NOTE: (put THAT in the Bush Jr Liberry, next to "My Pet Goat", “Where’s Waldo” “Dick & Jane torture dark skinned peoples” and the former President’s favorite book “Curious George”) lol
I got to be honest Alan... a few Middle Eastern/Central Asian fanatics who’ve perverted Islam don’t scare me near as much as these Republican degenerates who believe capitalism can survive without ethics, responsibility and accountability.
I always hear about the enemies of freedom abroad, but what about the fight against the enemies of freedom at home? I don’t know about you people but past experiences in my role of political activist, community organizer and blue collar worker.. It felt like a battle to me. Funny thing, NO Muslim ever called me a Liberal wacko like Rush Limbaugh. NO foreign Dictator threatened my belief system on a daily basis like FOX News. NO Communist ever tried to turn me into a low wage slave like the Koch Brothers and Republican Party multi-millionaires.
I hear a lot of right-wingers making false equivalencies about the LEFT or revising history to divert blame away from Republicans. Conservatives were doing it this morning blaming delays at airport on Obama furloughing air traffic controllers. WHAT? I’m sorry… WHO created this sequester problem? Bleeping hypocrites !
But these hard head, know-it-alls never offer and solutions to the many problem they created. They just don’t seem to possess the capacity to understand WE TRIED IT YOUR WAY and IT WAS A MISERABLE MIND-NUMBING FAILURE! The results of Bush/Cheney and the Republican controlled Congress (1994-2006) are undeniable. Waste, fraud, abuse of power, deregulation, war profiteering, Constitutional violations and a corporate crime wave of epic proportions. The greatest looting of a nation’s wealth & resources in the history of mankind… Yet these shameless hypocrites have the audacity to act they’re the responsible adults at the table, BULLcrap
What the hell does the Conservative right-wing have to be angry about? Moonshine & inbreeding is illegal? A DARK-SKINNED Man is in the White House? These idiots hang on to their racism like they got a Confederate flag rammed up their butt.
Everything they believe is BS. There is no death panels, environmentalists were right and Hussein Obama isn’t going to take their bleeping guns or god . These RIGHT WING FANATICS WOULD DRAG DOWN THE USA WITH THEM… rather than admit they were wrong. The crazy people are Americans who AREN'T angry about these right-wing LOSERS!”
© 2013 by Frank from ABQ
BENGHAZI! or Benghazi?
Now that the shameless devil himself Dick Cheney is calling for Benghazi subpoenas I’ll bet the Obama/Biden Justice Department is kicking itself for NOT pressing charges against Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld for war crimes against humanity or the corporate crime wave. Let’s look back to last year around election time and the info we put out about underhanded dealing concerning Benghazi:
Leaked Classified Document:
“CIA Director David Petraeus was compromised, but not by a woman. Neo-Conservative CONSULTANTS in the agency, working for WAR profiteering/arms dealing special interests, were behind the attack on the Benghazi consulate TO MAKE Obama/Biden look bad before the election.”
BUT, what the right wing, chicken hawks didn’t know is President Obama has some real badass, tough guys/gals working behind the scenes to protect him from such hateful Republican “dirty tricks”. Petraeus is being punished for allowing himself to be diverted while all this seditious activity was going down RIGHT UNDER HIS NOSE! (we all know where his nose was, right Paula Broadwell, lol)
Let this be a warning to all those who try to defy, roadblock or sabotage the 2012 Progressive Democratic mandate. WE ARE WATCHING YOU! (10 OF 1000’S Concerned Citizens with cell phone cameras ARE paying attention) spoact.blogspot.com (how much you want to bet Republicans try to outlaw cell phone cameras at polling sites)
What the Conscious Man Consultants cyber think tank has found about Benghazi:
Blue Mountain Group, A security firm who instead of providing quality security, decided profits were more important. The increased profit margins by using the Mitt Romney model, hiring untrained guards for $4 per hour. Oooohhh… look at this it seems Rupert Murdoch recommended Blue Mountain.
NOTE: I wonder who’s going to hire or protect all you traitorous, lying, fascist propagandists at Fox News once Roger Ailes, Karl Rove, Ollie North and Rupert Murdoch are indicted?
Wow, look at this… that journalistic coward David Gregory is bragging about how he had the balls to ask the David Plouffe about Benghazi.
I’ll bet all you News acHOr sell-out’s never asked George W. about the famous “August memo” after 9/11... or H. W. Bush 41 about Lincoln Savings and Loan scandal & moneyed special interest in the Middle East… or about how the COWARD Ronald6 Wilson6 Reagan6 cut & run after 241 Marines were killed in Lebanon.
NOTE: (Bipartisanship during super storm Sandy but not for slain Ambassador and 3 other Americans in Benghazi Libya, why is this? Politics maybe? Conservative love their ideology more than they love the USA!)
Conservatives keep bringing up the Libyan situation as if Republicans could have saved the consulate or former Navy Seals Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, information specialist San Smith and Ambassador Chris Stevens. (RIP) This is a horrible act of terrorism upon a US Consulate which is the same as US soil in a foreign land. WHY ARE YOU REPUBLICAN @$$holes POLITICIZING THIS?
I thought the American PEOPLE pulled together under the threat or act of terrorism. I know in the days after 9/11 Democrats, Independents, Progressives, Liberals got behind George W. Bush. Sure we had our suspicions about lies, disinformation, incompetence (re: August memo) but we love the USA and supported our President when he really needed us. (I even went “shopping” (lol) like Georgie boy told me to do)
Now compare THAT to the way Republicans have been wagging fingers and blaming since news of the embassy attacks reached our shores. Even though these shameless hypocrites cut funding for embassy/consulate protective services.
But I just can’t shake the feeling there’s MORE to this story than anyone is letting on. Romney, Ryan along with the Conservative Labyrinth are too well-rehearsed, knowledgeable and desperate when they push this Benghazi story into every sound-bite, interview and debate. Until the terror attack none of them even knew what a Benghazi is or does… (lol)
NO, naahhhhh, the red flags are going up all over the place, something is going on and it stinks…Wait! What’s this?
UPI - 12/9/11 article titled “Security firms hustle in Lawless Libya”: “Western Mercenaries are moving in to fill the security vacuum in OIL-rich Libya”. Huh… so the war profiteers and western oil interests had a year to make Libya into their image and then just before an energy policy changing Presidential election… a terrorist act… jeez what a coincidence, right?
Ok, lets delve a little further into this conspiracy. US Justice Department is investigating the events surrounding this terrorist act and are asking questions about possible insiders who may have aided terrorists. Well, the next question any investigative journalist would ask is “who brought in the insiders?” ANSWER, Blue Mountain Group, a UK private security firm handled the hiring and security around the US Consulate in Benghazi. Huh…
At this point I can’t help but wonder who owns/invests in Blue Mountain Group. Maybe one or two of those rich guys that hate President Obama so much? Maybe Bain Capital? Oooohhhh interesting, Ann Romney’s grandfather came from Wales just southeast of Cross Hands from the Blue Mountain training range at Brodle Farm. ANOTHER coincidence, right? Republicans love a good coincidence… like how every time a Bush is in the White House Americans have to suffer through a financial/banking crisis/scandal… right?
“Egyptian authorities have charged seven Coptic Christians living in USA along with Florida Pastor Terry Jones for distributing the anti-Mohammed video”.
Makes one think about the odds that the one gay Ambassador in the Middle East became a target. A sacrificial lamb so the Republican Party & gay hating Christian Fundamentalists may live to keep the rich guys and big oil in the extravagant lifestyles they’ve grown accustomed to, right?
©2013 by SPQR
Now that the shameless devil himself Dick Cheney is calling for Benghazi subpoenas I’ll bet the Obama/Biden Justice Department is kicking itself for NOT pressing charges against Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld for war crimes against humanity or the corporate crime wave. Let’s look back to last year around election time and the info we put out about underhanded dealing concerning Benghazi:
Leaked Classified Document:
“CIA Director David Petraeus was compromised, but not by a woman. Neo-Conservative CONSULTANTS in the agency, working for WAR profiteering/arms dealing special interests, were behind the attack on the Benghazi consulate TO MAKE Obama/Biden look bad before the election.”
BUT, what the right wing, chicken hawks didn’t know is President Obama has some real badass, tough guys/gals working behind the scenes to protect him from such hateful Republican “dirty tricks”. Petraeus is being punished for allowing himself to be diverted while all this seditious activity was going down RIGHT UNDER HIS NOSE! (we all know where his nose was, right Paula Broadwell, lol)
Let this be a warning to all those who try to defy, roadblock or sabotage the 2012 Progressive Democratic mandate. WE ARE WATCHING YOU! (10 OF 1000’S Concerned Citizens with cell phone cameras ARE paying attention) spoact.blogspot.com (how much you want to bet Republicans try to outlaw cell phone cameras at polling sites)
What the Conscious Man Consultants cyber think tank has found about Benghazi:
Blue Mountain Group, A security firm who instead of providing quality security, decided profits were more important. The increased profit margins by using the Mitt Romney model, hiring untrained guards for $4 per hour. Oooohhh… look at this it seems Rupert Murdoch recommended Blue Mountain.
NOTE: I wonder who’s going to hire or protect all you traitorous, lying, fascist propagandists at Fox News once Roger Ailes, Karl Rove, Ollie North and Rupert Murdoch are indicted?
Wow, look at this… that journalistic coward David Gregory is bragging about how he had the balls to ask the David Plouffe about Benghazi.
I’ll bet all you News acHOr sell-out’s never asked George W. about the famous “August memo” after 9/11... or H. W. Bush 41 about Lincoln Savings and Loan scandal & moneyed special interest in the Middle East… or about how the COWARD Ronald6 Wilson6 Reagan6 cut & run after 241 Marines were killed in Lebanon.
NOTE: (Bipartisanship during super storm Sandy but not for slain Ambassador and 3 other Americans in Benghazi Libya, why is this? Politics maybe? Conservative love their ideology more than they love the USA!)
Conservatives keep bringing up the Libyan situation as if Republicans could have saved the consulate or former Navy Seals Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty, information specialist San Smith and Ambassador Chris Stevens. (RIP) This is a horrible act of terrorism upon a US Consulate which is the same as US soil in a foreign land. WHY ARE YOU REPUBLICAN @$$holes POLITICIZING THIS?
I thought the American PEOPLE pulled together under the threat or act of terrorism. I know in the days after 9/11 Democrats, Independents, Progressives, Liberals got behind George W. Bush. Sure we had our suspicions about lies, disinformation, incompetence (re: August memo) but we love the USA and supported our President when he really needed us. (I even went “shopping” (lol) like Georgie boy told me to do)
Now compare THAT to the way Republicans have been wagging fingers and blaming since news of the embassy attacks reached our shores. Even though these shameless hypocrites cut funding for embassy/consulate protective services.
But I just can’t shake the feeling there’s MORE to this story than anyone is letting on. Romney, Ryan along with the Conservative Labyrinth are too well-rehearsed, knowledgeable and desperate when they push this Benghazi story into every sound-bite, interview and debate. Until the terror attack none of them even knew what a Benghazi is or does… (lol)
NO, naahhhhh, the red flags are going up all over the place, something is going on and it stinks…Wait! What’s this?
UPI - 12/9/11 article titled “Security firms hustle in Lawless Libya”: “Western Mercenaries are moving in to fill the security vacuum in OIL-rich Libya”. Huh… so the war profiteers and western oil interests had a year to make Libya into their image and then just before an energy policy changing Presidential election… a terrorist act… jeez what a coincidence, right?
Ok, lets delve a little further into this conspiracy. US Justice Department is investigating the events surrounding this terrorist act and are asking questions about possible insiders who may have aided terrorists. Well, the next question any investigative journalist would ask is “who brought in the insiders?” ANSWER, Blue Mountain Group, a UK private security firm handled the hiring and security around the US Consulate in Benghazi. Huh…
At this point I can’t help but wonder who owns/invests in Blue Mountain Group. Maybe one or two of those rich guys that hate President Obama so much? Maybe Bain Capital? Oooohhhh interesting, Ann Romney’s grandfather came from Wales just southeast of Cross Hands from the Blue Mountain training range at Brodle Farm. ANOTHER coincidence, right? Republicans love a good coincidence… like how every time a Bush is in the White House Americans have to suffer through a financial/banking crisis/scandal… right?
“Egyptian authorities have charged seven Coptic Christians living in USA along with Florida Pastor Terry Jones for distributing the anti-Mohammed video”.
Makes one think about the odds that the one gay Ambassador in the Middle East became a target. A sacrificial lamb so the Republican Party & gay hating Christian Fundamentalists may live to keep the rich guys and big oil in the extravagant lifestyles they’ve grown accustomed to, right?
©2013 by SPQR
"I couldn’t do it… I couldn’t bring myself to watch all the former Presidents kissing each others butts at the George W. Bush Libarry. (lol) I can’t tell how disturbing it is for me to see the Bush Crime Family and their evil Capos keep getting away with the kind of acts that would get most Americans fired and prosecuted. If I had any power I’d get the LAW to seize Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rove/etc… give them a gun and not enough armor. Drop them in the middle of Iraq and let them fight their way out… now THAT’S Biblical JUSTICE!"
Rev. Chris Ward
Friday, April 19, 2013
Authors NOTE: (Yes, of course ANY terrorist act is an affront to civilized society but I’m consumed by the need to destroy the Neo-Conservative Ideology by any means necessary)
"I figured it’s only a matter of
time before the next act of right wing terror seals their fate. Can one
imagine if the Boston bomber was some Rush Limbaugh/Bill
O’Reilly/Pastor Hagee/Randall Terry groupie? It would have been a stake
in the dark heart of the Neo-Conservative vampire once and for all… the
END to an evil entity that has sucked the lifeblood of American people
since 1984. The terrible results of Conservative ideology and
Reaganomics speak for themselves… BAD FOR THE USA!
(like a anthrax/ricin filled letter or fertilizer bomb)
I always hear about the enemies of freedom abroad, but what about the fight against the enemies of freedom at home? I don’t know about you people but past experiences in my role of political activist, community organizer and blue collar worker.. It felt like a battle to me.
Funny thing, NO Muslim ever called me a Liberal wacko like Rush Limbaugh. NO foreign Dictator threatened my belief system on a daily basis like FOX News. NO Communist ever tried to turn me into a low wage slave like the Koch Brothers, Walton family and Republican Party multi-millionaires.
To be honest a few Middle Eastern/Central Asian fanatics who’ve perverted Islam don’t scare me near as much as these Republican degenerates who believe capitalism can survive without ethics, responsibility and accountability.
Conservative wackos have REALLY pushed their luck since the Bush/Cheney catastrophe. They’re TRUE BELIEVERS even though all the facts, statistics, rational stance, common sense and reality are against them. And THAT is what makes them so dangerous, an American al qaeda ready to die for their belief system. Edged on and incited by the likes of broadcast air wave fascists such as Glenn Beck or the many religious leaders, Chris Hedges warned us about.
So many weak-minded Americans were brainwashed by an almost constant barrage of Republican propaganda, Evangelical fundamentalism, hate speech, racism, fear mongering, disinformation, faulty Bible interpretations, elitist lies and cunning BS from highly paid craven attorneys and power mad spin doctors. John S. Saloma III tried to warn the Left-wing way back in 1983 but was whacked not after finishing his amazing manuscript “Ominous Politics, The New Conservative Labyrinth” (Hill and Wang)
No one was going to stand in the way of these right-wing madmen. The political and social turbulence of the 60’s and early 70’s, eventually led to the downfall of Nixon and that stiff, wealthy, constipated group of right-wing, conservative chicken-hawks (what we now call the Neo-Cons) Well the story didn’t end there.
One must know Neo-Cons as I do. These are some cunning, scandalous, truly evil bastards. Vain, hateful, corrupt but the really frightening trait of these people is GREED! A greed so unquenchable it won’t be satisfied until it inherits the earth… AND #*@/ THE REST OF US!
They feel no guilt, convinced by their silver spoon Ivy League education they are SUPREME BEINGS. These hypocritical c@^*/~!r’s use everything from the BIBLE to Darwin to justify their warped nature. Machiavelli, Burke or maybe:
“Morality - it was created for the COMMON MAN. The HIGHER MAN doesn’t worry about whether something is GOOD or EVIL. He has the courage to rise above that sort of nonsense and ACT.”
(like a anthrax/ricin filled letter or fertilizer bomb)
I always hear about the enemies of freedom abroad, but what about the fight against the enemies of freedom at home? I don’t know about you people but past experiences in my role of political activist, community organizer and blue collar worker.. It felt like a battle to me.
Funny thing, NO Muslim ever called me a Liberal wacko like Rush Limbaugh. NO foreign Dictator threatened my belief system on a daily basis like FOX News. NO Communist ever tried to turn me into a low wage slave like the Koch Brothers, Walton family and Republican Party multi-millionaires.
To be honest a few Middle Eastern/Central Asian fanatics who’ve perverted Islam don’t scare me near as much as these Republican degenerates who believe capitalism can survive without ethics, responsibility and accountability.
Conservative wackos have REALLY pushed their luck since the Bush/Cheney catastrophe. They’re TRUE BELIEVERS even though all the facts, statistics, rational stance, common sense and reality are against them. And THAT is what makes them so dangerous, an American al qaeda ready to die for their belief system. Edged on and incited by the likes of broadcast air wave fascists such as Glenn Beck or the many religious leaders, Chris Hedges warned us about.
So many weak-minded Americans were brainwashed by an almost constant barrage of Republican propaganda, Evangelical fundamentalism, hate speech, racism, fear mongering, disinformation, faulty Bible interpretations, elitist lies and cunning BS from highly paid craven attorneys and power mad spin doctors. John S. Saloma III tried to warn the Left-wing way back in 1983 but was whacked not after finishing his amazing manuscript “Ominous Politics, The New Conservative Labyrinth” (Hill and Wang)
No one was going to stand in the way of these right-wing madmen. The political and social turbulence of the 60’s and early 70’s, eventually led to the downfall of Nixon and that stiff, wealthy, constipated group of right-wing, conservative chicken-hawks (what we now call the Neo-Cons) Well the story didn’t end there.
One must know Neo-Cons as I do. These are some cunning, scandalous, truly evil bastards. Vain, hateful, corrupt but the really frightening trait of these people is GREED! A greed so unquenchable it won’t be satisfied until it inherits the earth… AND #*@/ THE REST OF US!
They feel no guilt, convinced by their silver spoon Ivy League education they are SUPREME BEINGS. These hypocritical c@^*/~!r’s use everything from the BIBLE to Darwin to justify their warped nature. Machiavelli, Burke or maybe:
“Morality - it was created for the COMMON MAN. The HIGHER MAN doesn’t worry about whether something is GOOD or EVIL. He has the courage to rise above that sort of nonsense and ACT.”
{…BALLS! Big #*@/’n government/corporate heavos man… AND 15 BILLION TONS OF TNT…}
Anyway, the Neo-Cons got together and ORGANIZED with one goal in mind. To NEVER LET THIS 60’S POWER TO THE PEOPLE THING HAPPEN EVER AGAIN! What happened next is best documented in the extraordinary 1984 book by Saloma III
(More about THIS and Saloma in my manuscript. I’m a member of the super secret “JOHN S. SALOMA III SOCIETY” and most of OUR historical heroes have been eliminated)
As much as I despise these Conservative stiffs, anyone involved with ORGANIZING the PEOPLE has got to admire the long range strategic planning of “think tanks” on the RIGHT (1976-2001). AND one of the most successful aspects of this organization is what I call RADIO FREE CONSERVATIVE. While Liberals were STUCK living off 60’s/70’s victories and grooving to FM radio’s pop music culture… Conservatives quietly bought up the AM radio airwaves at bargain basement prices. It was long range planning #*@/’n genius. Something the Left-wing seems to have no patience for… judging from results of the 2010 mid-term election.
The leaders of American al qaeda don’t even bother fact checking when they revise history. These shameless ideologues have no problem lying when it comes to getting their way or saving their legacies. I’m pretty sure Dick Cheney is now the undisputed executive of the Republican Corporate Whores… my guess is he only answers to the Satan. Dick Cheney & the Neo-Cons had their planning session in Los Angeles recently. I’m very suspicious this act of terror happening so soon after… I find the Cheney/Neo-Con/Chechnya connection very disturbing.
NOTE: (Why did Karl Rove pay a visit to Yalta in 2008? The HEART of Central Asian/Eastern European terrorist recruiting potential. By the way, did anyone notice how much the police search for the Boston bombing suspects resembled an Iraq war clearing operation? Mark my words there‘s more to this event than the public will ever know. The older brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev was recruited by WHO?)
In 1992, a Pentagon document titled “Defense Planning Guidance” was leaked to the press. It was drafted by George H. W. Bush’s Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney. For years in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Yemen, Bosnia, Algeria and others, a recruitment operation of “Holy Warriors” was a covert action project sponsored by Saudi Arabia and in part by the US government. The Neo-Cons fear mongering only works if there is bogey man, bad guys somewhere in the world.
The sad truth is our enemies (and so-called allies) know Republican chicken-hawks will fight their battles for them and their oil companies. I hope we never forget Osama bin Lunatic counted on the cowboys Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld breaking the bank to fight never-ending war. WAR PROFITEERS are the most evil ***** *** **** *********** 996....
Isn’t it funny how the USA spent TRILLIONS fighting Communism but all our jobs end up in Communist China? While Americans were force fed all the right-wing commie puke propaganda, rich guys like Armand Hammer were in the Soviet Union making millions.
I’m not any less patriotic or ashamed to say I can understand the Middle Eastern/Central Asian fanatics before the right-wing fanatics. The foreigners have been screwed over by our western corporations, had their resources stolen, human rights violated and turned into slave labor. What the f*** does the American right-wing have to be angry about? Moonshine & inbreeding is illegal? A Black Man is in the White House? These idiots hang on to their racism like they got a Confederate flag rammed up their @$$
Everything they believe is BS. There is no death panels, environmentalists were right and Hussein Obama isn’t going to take their #*^~ guns or god . These RIGHT WING FANATICS WOULD DRAG DOWN THE USA WITH THEM… rather than admit they were wrong.
The imbeciles just don’t seem to possess the capacity to understand WE TRIED IT YOUR WAY and IT WAS A MISERABLE MIND-NUMBING FAILURE! The results of Bush/Cheney and the Republican controlled Congress (1994-2006) are undeniable. Waste, fraud, abuse of power, scandal, privatization, corruption, media consolidation, sexual deviancy, welfare for the rich, soldiers getting electrocuted in showers due to shoddy contractors, hiding wealth off-shore, arms dealing, environmental deregulation, war profiteering, Constitutional violations and a corporate crime wave of epic proportions. The greatest looting of a nation’s wealth & resources in the history of mankind… Yet these shameless hypocrites have the audacity to act they’re the responsible adults at the table, BULLS***!
I’m convinced Republicans are suffering from some propaganda induced madness. Severe superiority complexes, odd paranoia, racial hatred, religious delusions and all the pharmaceuticals Conservatives are ingesting have them making the same mistakes, over & over & over, expecting a different result… (insanity).
I think the average American could learn a lot from the Russian treatment of their evil rich @$$#oles, (Berezovsky, Borodin, Luzhkov, Khodorkovsky, etc…) We’ve got a huge problem here in the USA. The Billionaire Aristocrats and their Republican Party flunkies have a LOT TO ANSWER FOR! These vain, self-serving, power-mad, greed stricken silver spoon con artists need to be punished for their CRIMES against the American PEOPLE!
NOTE: (it is STILL about the people, right? You know, all that about “of, by, for”)
The only thing that ever “trickled down” from the silver spoons was their corrupt nature and vicious philosophies… YES down through the Republicans in DC to all the Republicans that control State and local governments… even lower into the gutter they fall to the vendors, cronies, dumb brother-in-laws and then all the BS settles on the poor Republican voters who drag down the entire country with their POOR, UNINFORMED VOTING CHOICES of the last 30+ years.
Experience is a great thing if you know how to use it and learn. My experiences tell me the USA is almost f***ed. Now some may call me crazy but I think Americans are nuts if they’re NOT angry. The Billionaire trust fund babies and their Ho’s in the Republican “Corporate Socialist” Party have been playing the American PEOPLE for fools. Especially on the right side of the political spectrum, turned the USA into the United Suckers of America.
Terrorist act or not, maybe, just MAYBE it’s time to hold Republicans accountable and put an end to this plague of right-wing terror!"
© 2013 by SPQR
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
government/police abuse of power
25 years of defending the LEFT, serious activism and cutting edge boat-rocking (I've got the wounds to prove it, lol).
©2013 by Frank from Albuquerque or Riverside or Nia Falls or Tampa or…
Saturday, March 30, 2013
JUSTICE for all?
"bush/cheney made Americans comfortable with cheating, wealth hoarding, war profiteering, exploitation of workers/athletes & other low grade thought processes."
F. Esposito
F. Esposito
That little, corrupt, lying bastard George W. should be in a crowded holding cell (with cheney, rumsfeld, rove, etc…) wearing chains waiting for trial. Just because Eric Holder is a pussy doesn’t mean the Bush Crime Family and the corporate crime wave they oversaw shouldn’t be prosecuted. IT’S UP TO THE PEOPLE! (people with courage)
President Obama has spent 4+ years begging Progressive Democrats to force his Administration to do the right thing. That means the PEOPLE have some work to do. I suggest the first thing we do is get together with Liberals & Independents and demand a resignation of Eric Holder for gross negligence in his role as Top Cop. Holder reminds me of that corrupt cop, Michael Corleone shot in movie “The Godfather”
“Crazy, silver spoon inmates perpetrating revenge killings on Republican government/law enforcement officials seems right to me… The children of Conservative wackos are all going mad. Conservatives spread the hate speech/racism and now it’s coming back at them with a rage by skinheads hooked on meth and pain pills. Evan Ebel‘s are everywhere... ask’em in Kaufman County, TX.”
Charlie Stunats
I think the average American could learn a lot from the Russian treatment of their evil rich @$$#oles, (Berezovsky, Borodin, Luzhkov, Khodorkovsky, etc…) We’ve got a huge problem here in the USA. The Billionaire Aristocrats and their Republican Party flunkies have a LOT TO ANSWER FOR! These vain, self-serving, power-mad, greed stricken silver spoon con artists need to be punished for their CRIMES against the American PEOPLE!
NOTE: (it is STILL about the people, right? You know, all that about “of, by, for”)
Experience is a great thing if you know how to use it and learn. My experiences tell me the USA is almost f***ed. Now some may call me crazy but I think Americans are nuts if they’re NOT angry. The Billionaire trust fund babies and their Ho’s in the Republican “Corporate Socialist” Party have been playing the American PEOPLE for fools. Especially on the right side of the political spectrum, turned the USA into the United Suckers of America.
It’s like all the greed-stricken, power mad con artists gravitated to the GOP. They’re SO bad, they’ve turned on themselves stealing millions from each other… just look at what Karl Rove, Dick Army and Newt Gingrich did to their fellow Republicans during the 2012 election. SCANDALOUS!
The only thing that ever “trickled down” from the silver spoons was their corrupt nature and vicious philosophies… YES down through the Republicans in DC to all the Republicans that control State and local governments… even lower into the gutter they fall to the vendors, cronies, dumb brother-in-laws and then all the BS settles on the poor Republican voters who drag down the entire country with their POOR, UNINFORMED VOTING CHOICES of the last 30+ years.
Once China colludes with Brazil to dump the US Dollar as the world’s currency then I want Conservative wackos to remember the Gingrich/Gramm/Delay, 90’s Republican Congress and all they did to sell out American workers to Communist China. You know, hidden expatriate clauses, insuring venture capital of corporation that moved to China, off-shoring of wealth/resources/jobs and the slave shop/whore houses Rep. Tom Delay set up all over Asia...
NOTE: (I advise all Americans to form community co-op’s of craftspeople, food growers, dry goods suppliers, water providers, health, safety, etc… to ease the pain that’s about to come down upon the American PEOPLE. Like I said, we all have to pay the sad price of the poor voting choices of Republicans/Conservatives)
COME ON! You morons have seen with you own eyes how low the GOP has sunk. YOU’VE SEEN WHERE THEIR POLICIES HAVE LED! The results of Bush/Cheney and the Republican controlled Congress (1994-2006) speak for themselves. Waste, fraud, abuse of power, scandal, privatization, corruption, media consolidation, sexual deviancy, welfare for the rich, soldiers getting electrocuted in showers due to shoddy contractors, arms dealing, environmental deregulation, war profiteering, Constitutional violations and a Corporate Crime Wave of epic proportions. The greatest looting of a nation’s wealth & resources in the history of mankind… Yet these shameless hypocrites have the audacity to act they’re the responsible adults at the table, BULLS***!
The Bush/Cheney Administration spent our national wealth like crack Ho’s with a credit card. OBAMA IS PAYING THE BILL THEY RAN UP! ADMIT IT! Your god Ronald6 Wilson6 Reagan6 RAISED TAXES during his recovery, so QUIT with the Obama Derangement Syndrome LIES! (bs) Conservative spokespersons have become some of the most shameless, hypocritical propagandists in World History… These piece of shit motheafuckers don't even fact check anymore. A very few Billionaires have turned MANY in our news media into highly paid Ho’s to spread their lies and disinformation.
Once China colludes with Brazil to dump the US Dollar as the world’s currency then I want Conservative wackos to remember the Gingrich/Gramm/Delay, 90’s Republican Congress and all they did to sell out American workers to Communist China. You know, hidden expatriate clauses, insuring venture capital of corporation that moved to China, off-shoring of wealth/resources/jobs and the slave shop/whore houses Rep. Tom Delay set up all over Asia...
NOTE: (I advise all Americans to form community co-op’s of craftspeople, food growers, dry goods suppliers, water providers, health, safety, etc… to ease the pain that’s about to come down upon the American PEOPLE. Like I said, we all have to pay the sad price of the poor voting choices of Republicans/Conservatives)
COME ON! You morons have seen with you own eyes how low the GOP has sunk. YOU’VE SEEN WHERE THEIR POLICIES HAVE LED! The results of Bush/Cheney and the Republican controlled Congress (1994-2006) speak for themselves. Waste, fraud, abuse of power, scandal, privatization, corruption, media consolidation, sexual deviancy, welfare for the rich, soldiers getting electrocuted in showers due to shoddy contractors, arms dealing, environmental deregulation, war profiteering, Constitutional violations and a Corporate Crime Wave of epic proportions. The greatest looting of a nation’s wealth & resources in the history of mankind… Yet these shameless hypocrites have the audacity to act they’re the responsible adults at the table, BULLS***!
The Bush/Cheney Administration spent our national wealth like crack Ho’s with a credit card. OBAMA IS PAYING THE BILL THEY RAN UP! ADMIT IT! Your god Ronald6 Wilson6 Reagan6 RAISED TAXES during his recovery, so QUIT with the Obama Derangement Syndrome LIES! (bs) Conservative spokespersons have become some of the most shameless, hypocritical propagandists in World History… These piece of shit motheafuckers don't even fact check anymore. A very few Billionaires have turned MANY in our news media into highly paid Ho’s to spread their lies and disinformation.
You don’t think these devils are capable of stalling technology and the spread of vital information to keep the people down so they can steal everything of value and turn workers into low wage slaves… WITH POLICE PROTECTION! It’s all very un-American…
Especially what cops did to all those concerned citizens in the Occupy Wall St movement. The People actually using their FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS to demand ETHICS, RESPONSIBILITY and ACCOUNTABILITY from our government and corporate leaders. A righteous uprising most Americans would call “Eternal Vigilance” while Conservative Right wackos ridiculed and demonized the effort. Republicans protect their sugar daddy pimps in the Ivory Towers. NOW THEY MUST PAY!
©2013 by SPQR
“Budget problems? Cut the Pentagon, Homeland Security and DEA. Seize $ (ill gotten profits) back from war profiteers & Bush/Cheney Corporate Crime Wave. This would work if our Congress and Justice Department weren’t staffed with incompetent cowards”
Giovanni X
Giovanni X
Abby Huntsman,
Eric Holder,
Evan Ebel,
Justice Department,
Kaufman Texas,
Real time with Bill Maher,
Steve Moore,
trickle down economics,
uninformed voters
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Time to get MEAN in 2013!
"Republicans/Conservatives are suffering from severe superiority complexes, odd paranoia, religious delusions, veiled racism all caused by hate speech and right wing propaganda. Republicans will destroy the USA if the American PEOPLE don’t take them out first. NOW! A few savage, degenerate fanatics who perverted Islam don’t scare me as much as those Conservative FOOLS who believe Capitalism can survive without ethics, responsibility and accountability"
Special Political Operative 101
All the proof one needs Republicans are screwing over a majority of the American PEOPLE for a very few wealthy elitists OR what we call CLASS WAR!
Off with their heads!
"Republicans/Conservatives are suffering from severe superiority complexes, odd paranoia, religious delusions, veiled racism all caused by hate speech and right wing propaganda. Republicans will destroy the USA if the American PEOPLE don’t take them out first. NOW! A few savage, degenerate fanatics who perverted Islam don’t scare me as much as those Conservative FOOLS who believe Capitalism can survive without ethics, responsibility and accountability"
Special Political Operative 101
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