"POLITICIAN just a HO", y'know... whore
UPDATE: SpoAct can't play guitar any more without braces on both arms, in much pain. His disability caused by **PD, who thought it was a good idea to TORTURE him for 3 days in ** City jail while he was under doctors care for Head Trauma. We will fuck that city up if he doesn't get JUSTICE!
Grover Norquist is the PIMP between the rich aristocrats and those whores in the GOP"
William P. Goode
Confession written on 7-27-12:
I’m scared… I’m having flashbacks of early 2000 about the
Bush VS. Gore presidential campaign. I volunteered so much of my precious time working for Gore, the Democrats and for Progressive causes. All the meetings, workshops, petition/voter registration drives, campaign work, letter/email writing campaigns. I communicated with 1000’s of wonderfully active
Concerned Citizens who love the USA, the Constitution and our
American Way…
I should have been happy but I had this nagging anxiety that a storm was on the horizon. Everyone around me was confident of victory and getting agitated at my constant warnings about the storm. Some on the LEFT were so sure they actually went over to the
Ralph Nader camp to waste their VITAL votes. No one believed a spoiled, inebriated, silver spoon, ignorant, loser like George W. Bush, who failed at every business or personal plan in his life, could possibly be taken serious by enough voters to get him elected…
And then the horror, the HORROR!
Things are a hell of a lot more desperate NOW in 2012. No s***, if that lying idiot
Mitt Romney is elected President OR if these
Tea Party morons take over Congress OR if the
Conservative wackos get elected to local governments…
then the USA is f***ed!
I want all you Liberals to think about SUPREME COURT appointments before voting for the Green Party or any 3rd Party candidate in 2012. If that stiff asshole Mitt Romney win$ the White House because a bunch of
idiot Liberals wasted their vote then you motherfuckers become the enemy. Don’t be surprised if you get sucker punched at some future
Peace & Justice, Indy Media, MoveOn, Occupy Wall St meeting
On the other side of the idiot political spectrum… For all you
cost cutting Republicans out there, (WHO DID NOTHING while
Bush/Cheney wasted our national wealth like crack Ho’s with a credit card) Mitt Romney will finish the job of destroying America from with-in that the Bush Crime Family started. (I know I know, it’s just a coincidence every time a Bush is in the White House, Americans have to suffer through another banking/financial scandal/crisis)
The life long, Secret Service protection for the Romney Family alone will break the bank. All those kids, grand kids and
fancy pants dressage horses. (lol) Think about those
five Romney sons who didn’t think it was important to serve their nation during TWO WARS started by their political party. These
spoiled silver spoons will be served for the rest of their lives by tax payer funded, private security.
No sane person can believe that Mitt Romney, this
vain, self-absorbed, vicious, power mad, greed stricken, silver spoon, trust fund baby, who will be nothing more than a
Ho for the
Billionaire Class, will be elected President. BUT I KNOW BETTER, ...they lie, They lie, THEY LIE and cheat!
LIE & CHEAT, the GOP...
BAD FOR YOU, BAD FOR ME" (*repeat)
I see the storm on the horizon with the computerized voting machines, by fanatic right wing Christian election boards and workers, voter ID/voter suppression laws AND ALL THAT BIAS Conservative DISINFORMATION that is broadcast out 24/7, over our publicly owned radio/TV airwaves. PAID FOR BY SOME OF THE
MOST EVIL HUMAN BEINGS to have ever walked the Earth.
Psychological warfare on a scale that it will go down as History’s most successful brainwashing of a
target population…
( see
actspo.blogspot.com )
COME ON, you know what I’m talking about… For any
Progressive/Liberal/Independent whose ever tried to have a legitimate debate with one of those
Limbaugh ditto-hears or
FOX News groupies. The facts, statistics and content are all right in front of their blank faces but they refuse to believe the TRUTH! Oooohhhh Noooooo, Conservative wackos are part of a elitist club of holier-than-thou, know-it-alls suffering from severe superiority complexes, odd paranoia and religious delusions. Useful tools taught to believe they were put on the Earth to keep the Aristocrats in the extravagant lifestyles they’ve grown accustomed to… Winning is the only thing... even if they have to sacrifice the entire USA.
© 2012 by Frank from ABQ
C-SPAN or FOX? And ABC, CBS NBC, CNN aren't much better
7-28-12 approx. 9:00am EST
(I’m visiting Western NY again to experience the exhilarating, energizing properties of the ions produced by water roaring over the American side of Niagara Falls and crashing on the rocks below… the Consciousness is amazing)
Republicans in Congress and Conservative spokesperson lie and revise history because they CAN! Because their supporters and audience are dumber than a tree full of monkey’s.
I’m sitting here in a motel room at my keyboard with
Monica Crowley on C-Span Book TV making a speech at a Republican Women’s group (6-25-12) telling the poor misinformed imbeciles that President Obama has spent his first term DIVIDING the American PEOPLE through Class, race, religion… REALLY? And Republicans haven’t been the worst divisive obstructionists since the Civil War?
She’s calling me (and everyone on the LEFT) a Kook for my work, ideology and belief system. COME ON? (What the f*** happened to the C-SPAN’s that they would give precious airtime to such trash talk? Them’s fighting words)
MS Crowley is trying to explain how the LEFT will try to make
Mitt Romney appear to be a
George W. Bush type idiot who makes blaringly stupid mistake and misspeaks. She told a lie about MSNBC editing video tape to achieve that purpose.
Authors NOTE: (MSNBC is airing the Olympics so I’m checking out what the
Conservative News wackos are saying on their super duper public broadcast airwaves propaganda machine. The Olympic people need to stagger the 4 year thing so it doesn’t land on the same year as US Presidential elections. Also they need to keep Mitt Romney away from any future Games before he ruins the franchise… )
I turn to Fox Spin Network where Fox & friends (notice the “
f” in “
friends” is small case for the “
little people”) and find the famous Conservative transsexual
Ann Coulter spewing some of the most sick, vicious, twisted lies I’ve ever been witness to. These two women seem to me to be the
Devils Concubines for the GOP.
Sarah & Todd Palin, want everyone to know, they just purchased food from Chick-fil-A“…
ssholes aaagagggagagfhhhhhhhhgggggg!
(commercial ad)
ENTER: Congressman Mike Kelly (R-PA) is now screaming about regulations on business. He’s blaming President Obama for local construction and building regulations handled by city code enforcement officers. The TRUTH is, after the 2010 election, Republicans control a majority of City, County, State governments in the USA… so talk to them about regulations. As so many Conservative morons do, they mix up local government rules and regulations with Federal controlled by the Legislative and Executive branches
Rep. Kelly forgot to mention the Bush/Cheney castrating Federal regulatory agencies such as the Mineral Management Service… and resulting Gulf, BP oil spill… that avalanche flood of coal tailings/ash that destroyed a whole county in West Virginia, a town in Tennessee and Lake Michigan… Oil sands pipeline spills in Michigan… earthquakes around fracking sites… etc... Did the News cover those stories?
Conservatives need to recognize the difference between local government code enforcement with the national regulations that protect us from massive Corporate business special interests that can destroy our environment and financial system in a matter of months…
Ooohhhh and look at this, financial expert degenerate Sandy Weill wants to get back in the game by admitting he made a mistake by dismantling Glass-Steagall… Republicans/Conservatives will go down in history as the biggest Sucker FOOLS ever!
And for all you inbred, Aryan, dead-neck militia FOX groupies out there… Lou Dobbs is overjoyed the International Arms Treaty failed to pass because it would affect Conservatives right to own military weaponry with huge ammunition capacities. BOOM! Dobbs says instead of gun laws Americans need funding for mental health issues and to lock up ANY CRAZY PERSON WHO APPEARS TO BE LIBERAL. Lou failed to mention how Reagan cut funding for mental health, releasing 100,000’s of mentally ill individuals on to our streets.
The FOX Spin …. Ahhh I mean News building is a real den of enemy agents and terror cell:
“All these tough guy Conservatives and NOT ONE of these lugheads figured out that the propaganda that brainwashed them is paid for by foreign agents who want to divide and conquer the USA. Look at the evidence - Mark Steyn, Dinesh D’Souza, John Sununu, Rupert Murdoch ( and his Chinese spy wife)… ALL FOREIGN AGENTS! The commie Koch family fortune started in Stalin’s Soviet Union. Ohhhh and lets’a not forget how George W. Bush was like smitten school girl every time the Saudi Royals came to the Crawford, TX ranch? Even Sen. Joe McCarthy would have been disgusted by you ~#*^'n chatty boys... ”
The wrath of GOD is coming to extract revenge on Republican/Conservatives for all the evil they’ve supported with their poor voting choices. Read the sermons of warning by holy man “
Lloyd the Baptist” on jinnbad.blogspot.com
Republicans/Conservatives hate the US government so much because it’s the ONLY entity powerful enough to hold the Neo-Con silver spoon trust fund baby criminal empire accountable for there crimes…
I turn back to C-Span Book TV while finishing this piece to find R. Emmett Tyrell Jr. explaining how Liberal Socialists are ruining the nation. The Liberals want to attack the Status Quo and take away the government subsidies, grants, loans and stipends away from the rich and give all those BILLIONS to the 49 MILLION Americans struggling below the poverty level.
NOTE: (That’s why the Romney campaign can’t find a Conservative wacko business owner who HASN’T taken funding from the government! right Jack Gilchrist, ya ****’n chump)
R. Emmett is another one of these silver spoon, trust fund babies (who detest the average American) spreading their cunning propaganda meant to demonize Concerned Citizens who just want to demand ethics, responsibility, accountability from their government and business leaders. (like I said, What the f*** happened to C-SPAN?)
I am somebody who hates silver spoon liars
Steel Pulse - Bodyguard
Supreme Court Ho's
GOD help the American people. I just watched the interview with Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on FOX News Sunday. Scalia growled at Chris Wallace several times after questions about “Citizens United”.
Scalia snapped a Wallace demanding the anchor talk about his book. Justice Scalia waned to appear as an wise elder but came off as a snide, vicious, giggling fool. I’m convinced Scalia has that Neo-Conservative patent elitist streak that allows him to do great evil without the least bit shame or remorse for their actions. May the wrath of GOD come down upon this Neo-Con devil worshipper before he can do anymore damage…
Post on ED Shultz comment board 7-3-12:
What did that Del Percio woman mean? Americans can’t talk bad about Justices on the Supreme Court? After “Citizens United” the Conservative wackos on the court should be hung from Lady Justice.
Believe me I’d like NOTHING better than to NEVER have to talk about the Bush/Cheney years AGAIN! But these criminal corporatists did SO MUCH damage to both the economy and Constitution, the terrible RESULTS of their pandering and incompetence keeps popping up in ALL segments of our society.
On 1-21-10 Supreme Court proved George W. Bush appointees Justice Samuel Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts (among the other 3 Conservatives) are there to do the bidding of multi-national Corporations and wealthy individuals.
The last time the 3rd Branch of our government sunk this low was on April 10, 1950. The Supreme Court gave in to hysteria and washed it’s hands of the Constitution leaving rights and justice to H.U.A.C. (House Un-American Activities Committee) That time is best remembered as the McCarthy Era…
The Supreme Court ruling has the potential to do MUCH MORE damage to the USA than ANYTHING we’ve faced before. The Court has opened the doors for a wave of Corporate and foreign interests to INFLUENCE our election process and government officials. AND YES I WILL SAY IT… to buy politicians for about the same price as a long term relationship with a high class prostitute.
I don’t understand is how the Court overreached it’s authority in this one particular case. Wiped out a 100 years of precedent and any chance McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill had to restrain influence of wealth on our elections. Justice John Roberts WILL never admit to it but this is LEGISLATING FROM THE BENCH!
Really, the case before the court was supposed to be Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. In 2008 Citizens United (a Conservative Labyrinth front group) wanted to spend HUGE amounts of money to promote a feature length movie making outrageous criticisms about then presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
But somehow Citizens United attorney Ted Olson (Bush/Cheney) started arguing that “Corporations are People”. He made a case that Multi-national Corporate entities have the same rights to Free Speech as any American Citizen. (with Limited Liability of course, lol) Conservatives (as usual) kicked civility and truth to the curb. The biggest losers are the VOTERS who will have to endure unlimited campaign ads with expensive/elaborate productions either tearing down or building up the candidate of Corporate America’s choice.
I think President Obama best described this Supreme Court decision:
“…this decision is a VICTORY for big Oil, Wall Street and foreign interests. The ruling gives special interests and their lobbyists even MORE power in Washington, DC. This while undermining the influence of average Americans who make small contributions…”
Ralph Nader among others on the LEFT came out as soon as the bad news hit the wires and called for a Constitutional Amendment to negate this Un-American ruling
© 2012 by SPQR
Lying Romney campaign ad:
Email to Gilchrist Metal Fabricating & Sollmann Electric:
"You piece of s*** motherf***ers. Did you people not watch the WHOLE video of what President Obama said about working people getting help from the government because of infrastructure? (roads and bridges) And then find out you and your traitorous families took a fortune in tax dollars from the government to start a business? Sad , man, soooo very disturbing… CAN YOU SAY HYPOCRITE?
Note: (A matter of FACT, the Romney campaign can’t find a Conservative wacko business owner who HASN’T taken funding from the government)
Tell me please, what better definition of TRAITOR than someone like YOU ***holes? Someone who would get on a National forum and lie to the American PEOPLE for that silver spoon trust fund baby Mitt Romney… How much money did you take for your seditious activity? The Concerned Citizens of America are going to make it our job to hold you accountable for your Un-American activities."
William P. Goode
Memo from Romney Campaign to drug companies:
“What Pharmaceuticals does on have to distribute to make people vote for Mitt Romney?”
Sermon 8-1-12:
"The Conservative Republicans are screaming about access to birth control is an act of WAR against the USA… These same ignorant politicHo b*****’s refuse to cut defense spending.
Fundamentalist Christians are as bad as Fundamentalist Muslims. I DON’T SEE ANYTHING IN THE BIBLE ABOUT BIRTH CONTROL! Now what I do see is “thou shalt not kill” or “blessed are the peacemakers”. I can point at the 2008-2012 Conservative wacko, Tea Party, Evangelical Christian crowd and honestly say you degenerates have supported EVIL!
Pentagon spending and incompetence has almost destroyed the USA and done great evil around the world. The five-sided Pentagon building is a monument to Satan and the right wing maniacs are it’s worshippers. We need to finish the exorcism that was started by Abbie Hoffman and the 60’s anti-war movement who couldn’t complete the ceremony because 1000’s of Marshalls stormed out of the building and beat down, gas and shoot one & all…
It reminded me of how police around the nation reacted to the Occupy Wall St/USA protest movement. Even Homeland Security started to follow sympathetic journalists and Movement leaders. Please someone tell what tax payers got for their Homeland Security tax monies besides those idiotic color coded terror alerts? If Americans don’t ACT now and take back their government in the next 5 years then the USA and FREEDOM will become delicate concepts…"
Jeb Bush must have been taking stupid, delusional lessons from his
brother George W. so he can get the Southern Christian Evangelical
Conservative wackos to love him." fge
“...if you evil, silver spoon, trust fund baby ****suckers think you’re going to steal the 2012 elections with lying, cheating and voter suppression… then you had better take two steps back and rethink your low grade thought processes before you get in over your heads. The consequences are more terrible than any of you spoiled bastards can even imagine! Check, bet but do something ya pathetic right-wing pussies..."
Charlie Stunats & the Warriors